NEW prime educational programs for 2015 by The KPI Institute

February 20th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “NEW prime educational programs for 2015 by The KPI Institute”

In 2015 we expand our offer of products, services and tailored training courses, in order to help professionals worldwide gain valuable knowledge along with the ability to translate it into best practices.

The KPI Institute gladly announces the launching of a new training courses series and structure, as well as new educational resources and webinars, in response to the market’s needs and designed for achieving performance excellence.


NEW training courses

Focusing on providing extended knowledge in the field of performance management, The KPI Institute introduces nine new certification courses, aimed to providing first class in depth business insights, from techniques, tools, key concepts and methodologies to decision making, strategic planning and performance boost solutions.

In addition, a series of training courses customized to specific functional areas and industries has been developed in order to offer professionals exhaustive theoretical and practical solutions as well as best practices in the field.

NEW courses structure

The structure of the courses offers a consistent learning experience by providing, besides the core course, a pre- and after-session of the training. These sections help participants to analyze and express their needs regarding the course, review several materials and case studies on the topic and become familiar with the specific terminology. During the face-to-face learning days, the course structure facilitates practical learning and ensures a high level of dynamism, by combining innovative exercises with sound theory. The after-course module is represented by a self-assessment quiz, a plan ready to implement in real life situations and additional reading suggestions.

NEW educational resources

Strong emphasis is put on meeting participants’ expectations, therefore The KPI Institute offers new educational resources, which includes among others, reports, catalogues, fact sheets, video doodles and case studies, according to the specific training’s program.

NEW set of inclusions

The new set of inclusions consists of a developed series of training materials, which aim to provide a greater understanding of the course as well as help organizations design and improve their performance management architecture. The KPI Institute provides ready-to-use toolkits with a set of pre-populated templates, a free complimentary report from Top 25 KPIs series, a webinar as well as a subscription to, available for 6 months, offering access to over 8000 KPIs examples.

NEW webinar series

The new webinar series of 2015 brings prime educational programs to professionals worldwide. Delivered by our expert trainers, the one hour webinars are designed to cover a wide range of topics related to Performance Management, new trends, improved features and best practices in the field.

From Performance Improvement Essentials, to a rigorous KPI Measurement Framework, Modern Supply Chain Management Insights and Customer Service Performance, these are just some of the themes that will be discussed in the first quarter of 2015. In addition to the live presentation of the specific topic, participants have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the webinar and get additional guidance.

NEW Certified Master Trainers

The KPI Institute’s team continuously strives to achieve better results and improve performance, in terms of people’s soft and hard skills, services, products and innovative business solutions. Therefore, our 16 Certified KPI Professional trainers have improved their mastery of delivering trainings courses, by successfully completing the ASTD Master Trainer Program. This unique assessment-based certification training covers the entire process of delivering training including assessment, preparation, creating a positive learning environment, facilitating learning, and evaluating learning. The KPI Institute’s Master Trainers developed core skills and deep knowledge in order to further provide customized, first class learning experiences and use the best practices of delivering training courses.



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