Posts tagged "KPI clustering"

Workshop Presentation: Key Performance Indicators

April 16th, 2014 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “Workshop Presentation: Key Performance Indicators”

Adrian Brudan, Director of Research Programs at The KPI Institute, delivered a one day workshop as part of the Strategy Leaders Forum, which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on the 13th – 17th of April 2014.

As data based decision making is at the core of better management practices today, tools such as Key Performance Indicators and Key Risk Indicators assist with the provision of critical business data for decision making. This workshop explored the relationship between metrics, KPIs and KRIs and how they can be deployed in practice. It also presented the fundamental techniques for KPI selection that ensure a rigorous process and quality result. Practical exercises were combined with best practice examples from a variety of industries and functional areas.



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