Posts tagged "kpi dictionary"

The KPI Dictionary is launched! Explore over 4,800 KPI examples

April 17th, 2015 Posted by Press release 0 thoughts on “The KPI Dictionary is launched! Explore over 4,800 KPI examples”

April 16th, 2015, Melbourne, Australia – The KPI Institute announces the launch of KPI Dictionary – 4,800+ Key Performance Indicator Definitions, Volume 2: Industries, a publication that compiles for the first time a comprehensive list of KPI examples, definitions and calculations grouped by industries.

The result of a 7 years research program run by The KPI Institute, this KPI Dictionary complements the already published KPI Compendium, which lists over 20,000 KPI examples. The novelty in this new publication of The Institute is the inclusion of more details for each KPI example and the separation of the content in two volumes: volume 1 for examples grouped by Functional Area and volume 2 for KPI examples grouped by Industry. All volumes contain a unique KPI identification number that traces the example to its file on, a KPI examples database operated by The KPI Institute.

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