The KPI Institute – Running for the children’s future and the environment

June 4th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute – Running for the children’s future and the environment”

The KPI Institute’s participation at the Half Marathon, held on May 30, was a success, as both our teams finished the race and contributed to accomplishing the causes they believed in!


This year, the competition gathered 38 teams for the 2×10 km relay race and 23 teams for the 4×5,2 km one. The 1300 runners supported 22 projects of high impact to the local community.

The KPI Institute’s representatives were Baby-C Runners and Forța Verde (Green Force). The first team participated in the Half Marathon for the Baby Care Association, who supports the care of prematurely born babies through the acquisition of the medical infrastructure needed. The second team supported the Initiative Group Cu Verdele-n SUS (Green UP), who undertakes numerous environmental actions in Sibiu and its surroundings.

Both the local runners and their supporters have promised to contribute to the causes they opted for, and half of the projects have already accomplished their desired targets. In the ending, the 2015 Half Marathon was an example of setting and accomplishing beautiful goals for the society one lives in and, for The KPI Institute, a lesson of tenacity, purposefulness and meaningful contribution to a better tomorrow!



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