The KPI Institute – Support for a better tomorrow!

May 29th, 2015 Posted by Events 0 thoughts on “The KPI Institute – Support for a better tomorrow!”

After last year’s successful participation, The KPI Institute’s European Division is involved, for the second year in a row, in making a difference for the community it activates in!


Our two teams of runners will proudly support the social causes we believe in, by participating in the Sibiu 2015 Half Marathon which will take place on the 30th of May. The teams will run for two associations which provide different services to the local community.

The team Baby-C Runners participates in the Half Marathon for the Baby Care Association, who supports the care of prematurely born babies through the acquisition of the medical infrastructure needed.

The second team, Forța Verde (Green Force), supports the Initiative Group Cu Verdele-n SUS (Green UP), who undertakes numerous environmental actions in Sibiu and its surroundings.

The KPI Institute’s teams are very determined to raise funds for these causes, and these goals will keep runners at high speed tomorrow!

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